Mohan Yadav की मुरीद हुई Uma Bharti लेकिन Shivraj के सवाल पर बोलीं, मैं उनकी प्रवक्ता नहीं हूं !

एमपी तक

• 08:12 AM • 05 Jan 2024

Uma Bharti was a fan of Mohan Yadav but on Shivraj’s question said, I am not his spokesperson.

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यह भी पढ़ें...

उमा भारती आजकल एमपी के नए सीएम मोहन यादव से काफी खुश हैं…वो मोहन यादव के फैसले की लगातार सराहना कर रही है…पिछले दिनों जब खुले में मांस एवं अंडे की बिक्री पर सख्ती की और धार्मिक स्थलों पर तेज ध्वनि वाले लाउडस्पीकर पर रोक लगाई तो उमा भारती ने उनकी पीठ थपथपाई..

Nowadays, Uma Bharti is very happy with the new MP CM Mohan Yadav…she is constantly praising Mohan Yadav’s decision…in the past, when there was strictness on the sale of meat and eggs in the open and loud noises were banned in religious places. When loudspeakers were banned, Uma Bharti patted him on the back.

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